Regarding Your Death explores the representation of female narratives within the medium of virtual reality, blending animation and interactive gameplay elements to create a VR interactive animation prototype centered on the narratives of women.
以西蒙·波娃的小說《形影不離》作為劇本改編的原型,並以寓言故事的結構進行創作。在VR體驗中,觀眾藉由操作可互動物件來觸發分別來自兩位女主角視角的故事。此次創作以PCVR的方式運行於Meta Quest 2 頭部顯示器中,畫面以Quill VR建模工具作為媒材創造手繪質感的畫面,如同進入女主角的手寫日記中,重現她與至親好友的記憶。
The work is based on Simone de Beauvoir’s novel Les Inséparables, using it as a prototype for adaptation and developing the narrative within the structure of a fable. In this VR experience, viewers trigger stories from the perspectives of the two female protagonists by interacting with objects in the environment.
This creation runs as a PCVR experience on the Meta Quest 2 headset. The visuals, crafted using the Quill VR modeling tool, feature a hand-drawn aesthetic that immerses viewers as though stepping into the protagonist’s handwritten diary, vividly recreating her memories of close friendships and intimate connections.
在Quill中繪製過程 | Draw in the Quill
場景動態劇照 | Scene Animation